February is Healthy Lifestyle Awareness month…So what exactly does a healthy lifestyle mean to you?
Your food choices; your physical activity; your work life, your social life, your romantic your relationships, your friendships, YOU time, fun, free time…
All your daily habits, rituals, and routines. A habit is simply a learned behaviour that has been repeated so many times it has become something we do without thinking – whether it is good or bad.
But what defines a healthy lifestyle?
Lifestyle balance. Ensure you have a good balance between work and play. We often forget to build enjoyment and fun in as work takes priority.
Me time. Do something ‘just for you’ every single day. Book it into your diary and don’t miss it – even if it is just for 5 minutes.
Relaxation. Just 5 minutes a day can make a significant improvement to your health and feelings of wellbeing.
Less TV! The average person spends about 17 years in front of the TV! Think about how much healthier you could be if you just spend half an hour less each day doing something else…
Achievements: Before going to sleep, think about one thing you have achieved that day. Remember the good thing you achieved upon waking. This will set you up in a positive manner for the day to come.
No time to be healthier? If this is one of your common excuses and you would like some guidelines and support, feel free to book a session with Into nutrition and learn to take back your power and take care of yourself.
Warm & healthy wishes