Revitalise (verb): imbue (something) with new life and vitality.

How does the word make YOU feel?
For me, it conjures up the mental image of happiness, optimism, feeling good, fresh start, change…

As things start to feel somewhat more normal, and we start to feel ready to face the world again, we take stock of our lives. When it comes to our dietary lifestyle, most of us have probably been eating badly and not been able stay motivated or stay on track with our exercise routines. Perhaps the only thing you’ve really gained over this lockdown period is weight (yes, I put it out there).

Signs of Spring are starting to show. Flowers are starting to bloom, sunrise is getting earlier and sunset later. It’s a beautiful season we’re heading into and why not feel beautiful too.

Now is the time to give yourself and your body some much needed TLC.

Here are some great ways to feel revitalised this Spring:

  • Do a gentle Spring detox
  • Get back into an exercise routine
  • Get a massage
  • Spring clean your grocery cupboards
  • Do a digital detox
  • Detox your personal life

Visit Into Nutrition Facebook page during September for some great Detox posts, including a feature on detox for beauty (skin health).

Wishing you a revitalised season ahead.

Yours in good health

Fiona/ Into Nutrition

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