‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a calorie was spared. It all went in my mouth.                     

Does this ring true for you? The idea of Christmas can bring excitement and joy to some, while anxiety and overwhelment to others.

The pro’s:

  • Down time
  • Family time
  • Festivity
  • Giving/ Receiving

The con’s:

  • Over indulging
  • Family stress
  • Entertaining stress
  • Lack of physical activity

A healthy balance is key. As is moderation

It’s okay to enjoy some festive eats and drink, but there are also great healthy recipes that taste just as good (follow my Facebook page this month or go to my website recipe page for some great ideas).  If you overindulge, try get back on track as soon as possible. Avoid over indulging continuously through the holiday period. Have that mince pie – but just one – and then move on!

If you are already on track to a healthy lifestyle, try not to lose the momentum. Have a “cheat” here and there but try not to go off track entirely.


Learn to ask for help and learn to delegate.

It’s great having family/friends spend time with you or come for Christmas lunch BUT don’t take it all upon yourself to do everything. It’s okay to delegate to others (ask them to bring a plate of eats) or simply ask for help.

And as much down time as you need to have, a reminder to keep moving. Walking after a meal is great for digestion and a great way to have some quality time with family or friends (or pets), or simply some YOU time.

It’s been a year like no other.  Take this time to reflect on all your blessings and all that you have achieved. 

Wishing you peace, joy and good health for the festive season and beyond 

Yours in good health


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