Welcome to a new month!

What’s on your to-do list?
How long is your to–do list?
How often does your to-do list get completed? or even started?

My challenge to you this month is to just GET STARTED.

Start by making that to-do list
Start by scheduling yourself in
Start by having the right tools at hand
Start by asking for help
Start small…. just one thing

Into Nutrition would love to help you get started on your Wellness journey. Get in touch and let’s get started.

This month also celebrates Mother’s Day –  14th of May.

There is no way to be the perfect mother but a million ways to be a good one.” Jill Churchill.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms 🌺 🌸 🌼


Yours in good wellbeing and one less “task” on my to-do list 😜

Fiona/ Into Nutrition

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