Are you guilty of the saying “diet starts Monday/tomorrow/next month…”?

If we cannot commit to changing our habits RIGHT NOW, there is little chance of us changing them tomorrow.  

The word DIET can often put us off.  I prefer Wellness Journey or Healthier Lifestyle. A diet sounds like something you start and finish. A healthier lifestyle has longevity and sustainability.

So the question to ask yourself right now, is “What’s preventing me from getting started?”  I touched on this topic in a newsletter last year but I feel it’s important to revisit it.

Some common barriers include:

  • Finances
  • Not being prepared
  • Not enough time
  • Social habits and preferences
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Rewarding self with food and drink


Finances – If you really want to make changes, it’s worth investing in yourself. How easily do you spend on fast foods, coffee & cake, dinner out…?

Being prepared – Don’t know where to start? Getting some guidance can be a great start. It can be overwhelming doing it on on your own.

Time – We make time and schedule in so many things in our life, apart from ourselves and our wellbeing. We need to put ourselves higher up on our “to do list”*

Social and lifestyle habits – If you really want to make changes, your friends and family will support you and there are some simple ways to cut back on some less healthy habits without feeling deprived.

Food & drink rewards – A habit that can be changed over time with practice (and some discipline).

It can be as simple as making little tweaks here and there so you don’t feel like you’re changing things dramatically or feel overwhelmed.

* Make a ta dah list instead of a to do list. This will give you a sense of accomplishment.

The best time to start a healthier lifestyle is NOW! Click here for a NO OBLIGATION, COMPLIMENTARY 15 minute chat with me.

Yours in good health

Fiona/ Into Nutrition

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